Pozdravujem celý blogosvet a všetkých milovníkov dobrého jedla!
Od posledného príspevku sú to TRI mesiace! Och! Ani sama neviem prečo. Možno kvôli tomu, že je to u nás momentálne trochu hektickejšie a keď mám čas, tak radšej nerobím nič a taktiež som akosi nemala motiváciu a nevedela som sa nakopnúť. Celkovo mi to akosi dlho nepripadá, pretože ten čas od začiatku roku beží ešte rýchlejšie a všimla som si u viacerých ľudí naokolo, že majú z tohto roku rovnaký pocit.
No prišlo leto, aj počasie sa zbláznilo, tiež zrýchlilo tempo a leto je už tak dlho, že ho tri dni po oficiálnom začiatku len vďaka ochladeniu nemáme plné zuby.
Stále však dúfam, že sa to umúdri a konečne sa podarí taký ten ozajstný hlboký "nádych-výdych" a budeme zas v starých spomalených koľajách, veget, pohoda a dobré jedlo...
Aj tentokrát tu mám recept na takú rýchlovku, lebo komu by sa chcelo v tomto teple kuchyňu vyhrievať ešte aj zapnutou rúrou, no nie?!
Medzi moje obľúbené sladkosti patria často energy-guľôčky, lebo ma nakopnú, obsahujú zdravé veci a našúľam ich za pár minút. Milujem hlavne tie mandľovo-kakaové od Lahodnej Elly, ale v tomto teple sa hodí skôr niečo sviežejšie.
A keďže k letu neodmysliteľne patrí kokos a momentálne sa všade naokolo gúľajú oranžové marhule, tak tu mám úplne inú šťavnatú kokosovo-marhuľovú verziu, v ktorej je cvrnknutá citrónová šťava a tá im dodáva poriadny "říz", takže sú na leto ideálne.

1 hrnček strúhaného kokosu
2 veľké hrsti sušených marhúľ
2 PL citrónovej šťavy
1 PL kokosového oleja
2 PL medu
pár kociek horkej čokolády (ideálne 70%)
Marhule si môžeme vopred namočiť, aby zmäkli a boli šťavnatejšie (potom ich samozrejme zlejeme).
Potom spolu s kokosom a ostatnými surovinami (okrem čokolády) rozmixujeme na jednotnú tvarovateľnú hmotu.
Med a citrónovú šťavu môžeme pridať, alebo aj ubrať - podľa svojej chuti a potom následne podľa konzistencie výslednej hmoty pridáme ešte kokos.
Formujeme guľôčky, ktoré ešte môžeme "pofrckať" roztopenou čokoládou a odložíme aspoň na hodinku do chladničky, aby sa rozležali chute.
A nech sa páči, môžeme maškrtiť.
Ak aj vy fandíte guľôčkam tak tu mám recept na pikantné guľôčky s kešu orieškami.
We are the team from Tropika Club Magazine.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťTropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link
Check out a sample of Tropika Club Magazine’s articles:
1. 7 Best Places to Buy Supplements Online in Singapore
2.Best Korean BBQ Buffet in Singapore [2020 Edition]
3. Your Top 10 Body Slimming Salon in Downtown Singapore [2020 Edition]
4. Korean Scientists States Kimchi can Reverse Baldness
5. A Culinary Cut Above: Fast Cooking Tips
We enjoyed the read and we are also adding to the collection.
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OdpovedaťOdstrániťGreetings from Tropika Club Magazine.
Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link
Check out some of our articles below; they are a good read:
1. Mole Removal and Where to Get it Done in Singapore
2.""Don’t be a Covidiot
3. BB Creams vs CC Creams: All You Need to Know
4. Top 10 Hair Removal Salons In West Of Singapore
5.Your All-in-One Singapore COVID-19 Finance Aid Package"
"Great article! Thanks for sharing this with us.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťCheck us out at Tropika Club Magazine
To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please pay a visit to Tropika Club now.
Some of the articles at Tropika Club Magazine would be:
1.Will Shaving Make Your Hair Grow Back Thicker?
2.How to care for your hair between Salon Visits
3.The Amazing Powers of Hyaluronic Acid for your Face
4.The Best Nasi Lemak in Singapore
5.Top 10 Frequently Drawn Winning 4D Numbers from Singapore Pools"
OdpovedaťOdstrániťGreat post! We would like to feature your post on Tropika Club too if that's possible?
Tropika Club Deals is part of the Tropika Club ecosystem:
Tropika Club Deals – Search for the best voucher and coupon deals
Tropika Club Bookings – Discover and book services at amazing off-peak discounts
Tropika Club Magazine – Get the latest scoop on beauty, wellness, eats and all things Singaporean
Tropika Club Deals is ideal for customers who want to discover the best deals without having to commit to a specific appointment date and time. Deals allow customers to buy vouchers and coupons in advance and to arrange the appointment directly with the merchant or business. Customers can also buy vouchers as gifts or to use for the future.
Tropika Club Bookings is ideal for customers who want to see the full selection of a merchant or business. Customers can search by merchant or service categories and then choose from a full range of service offerings. Customers can also see if there are any off-peak discounts for the selected service(s). Customer will book the appointment for the specific date and time.
Tropika Club Magazine crafts and curates articles for the discerning Singapore male and female. We provide up-to-date articles on Beauty and Vogue for gals, and articles on Grooming and Style for guys. We also cover local Singaporean content under City. Supporting Tropika Club’s vision to bring the best beauty, wellness and fitness services to our visitors, we also have a review section on the best services and selections under Top Picks. This features the Top 10 rankings for your beauty and wellness salons based on the various regions in Singapore. Tropika Club Deals brings to you great deals and offers from our merchants in the form of amazing discounted vouchers and codes. In addition, enjoy cashback as much as up to 5% for each purchase you make, regardless of the amount you spend. Think Cashback. Think Tropika.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťGreat post! We would like to feature your post on Tropika Club too if that's possible?
Tropika Club Deals is part of the Tropika Club ecosystem:
Tropika Club Magazine – Get the latest scoops on beauty, grooming and wellness
Tropika Club Deals – Search for the best voucher and coupon deals
Tropika Club Bookings – Discover and book services at amazing off-peak discounts
Tropika Club Magazine crafts and curates articles for the discerning male and female. We provide up-to-date articles on Beauty and Vogue for gals, and articles on Grooming and Style for guys. Supporting Tropika Club’s vision to bring the best beauty, wellness and fitness services to our visitors, we also have a review section on the best services and selections under Top Picks. "
OdpovedaťOdstrániťA big holler from Tropika Club Magazine.
Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link
Check out some of our articles below as our contribution to your blog roll:
1. Top 10 Brows & Lashes In North Of Singapore
2.Top 10 Hair Removal Salons In Northern Of Singapore
3.7 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
4. Your Top 11 Escape Rooms in Singapore - Can You Break Free?
5.61 Free Online Courses with Harvard University"
"Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link
OdpovedaťOdstrániťWe are sharing some of our latest featured posts Top 10 Best Stretch Marks Creams in Singapore.
1.Top 10 Best Body Exfoliators in Singapore
2.Top 10 Hair Heat Protection in Singapore
3.Top 10 Best Hair Oils in Singapore
4.Top 10 Best Under Eye Concealers in Singapore
5.Q&A: Doranne @themerriedlife"